
      1. The most interesting books are not necessarily ___ with a lot of pictures.

      A. these

      B. the ones

      C. them

      D. that

      2. The population of China is larger than ___ of any country.

      A. one

      B. the one

      C. that

      D. it

      3. People used to think that heavy objects always fell faster than light ___.

      A. ones

      B. the ones

      C. these

      D. those

      4. Is this story as funny as ___ you read yesterday?

      A. that one

      B. one

      C. the one

      D. it

      5. ___ of them will accept your idea because it is not reasonable.

      A. Nobody

      B. No one

      C. Everyone

      D. None

     ?. ___ is good at French.

      A. My either children

      B. Either of my children

      C. Either my children

      D. My either of children

      7. I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ___.

      A. it

      B. those

      C. them

      D. one

      8. -----When shall we meet again?

      -----Make it ___ day you like, it's all the same to me.

      A. one

      B. any

      C. another

      D. some

      9. Tom's mother kept telling him he should work harder, but ___ didn't help.

      A. he

      B. she

      C. it

      D. which

      10. ----- Is ___ here?

      ----- No, Bob and Tim asked for leave.

      A. everybody

      B. somebody

      C. anybody

      D. nobody

      参考答案:1-5 BCACD 6-10 B DBCA


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